发布时间:2017-05-05   浏览次数:0

李玉现 ,男, 理学博士,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理科学与信息工程学院,

Email: yxli@mail.hebtu.edu.cn


1988 年 -1992 年 伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,学习。

1996 年 -1999 年 伟德BETVLCTOR网页版硕士研究生。

2002 年 -2005 年 中国科学院物理研究所博士研究生。


2006 年 8 月 -2007 年 8 月 韩国亚太理论物理中心做博士后科研工作。

2008 年 1 月 -2008 年 2 月韩国亚太理论物理中心访问学者。

2011年8月-2011年9月 意大利国际理论物理中(ICTP)访问学者





2006年至今 伟德BETVLCTOR网页版,教授。


凝聚态理论 - 介观物理中的输运理论。

















Yi-Jie Zheng, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li,
Anomalous thermoelectric properties in double quantum dots coupled with Majorana bound states,
AIP Advances 6, 125032 (2016).


Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Jie Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Robert Joynt, Qing-feng Sun, and X. C. Xie,
Quantum interference in topological insulator Josephson junctions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 195302 (2016).


Su-Xin Wang, Yu-Xian Li, and Jian-Jun Liu,
Resonant Andreev reflection in a normal-metal/quantum-dot/superconductor system with coupled Majorana bound states,
Chinese Physics B 25, 037304 (2016).


Yi-Jie Zheng, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li
  Suppression of Andreev conductance in a topological insulator–superconductor nanostep junction,
Chinese Physics B 25, 037301 (2016).


Yuan Zhang, Juntao Song, Yu-Xian Li,
Nernst and Seebeck effects in HgTe/CdTe topological insulator,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 124301 (2015).


Juntao Song, Yan-Yang Zhang, Yuxian Li, and Qing-feng Sun,
  Topological quantum transitions in a two-band Chern insulator with n = 2,
  J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 (2015) 045601 (10pp).


Juntao Song, Yu-Xian Li, and Qingfeng Sun,
  Transport through quantum wells and superlattices on topological insulator surfaces,
  J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26 (2014) 185007 .


Ning Wang, Shu-Hui Lv, and Yu-Xian Li
Quantum transport through the system of parallel quantum dots with Majorana bound states,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 083706 (2014).


Lei Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Ying-Tao Zhang, and Jian-Jun Liu,
Quantum beats in conductance oscillations in graphene-based asymmetric double velocity wells and electrostatic wells,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 023704 (2014).


Shu-Hui Lv, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li
  Topological Anderson insulator induced by inter-cell hopping disorder
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 114, 183710 (2013)。


Yu-Xian Li and Zhi-Ming Bai,
Tunneling transport through multi-quantum-dot with Majorana bound states,


Yang Liu, Juntao Song, Yuxian Li, Ying Liu, and Qing-feng Sun,
Controllable valley polarization using graphene multiple topological line defects,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 195445 (2013)


Lei Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Jian-Jun Liu,
Transport properties of Dirac electrons in graphene based double velocity-barrier structures in electric and magnetic fields,
Physics Letter A 376, 3342-3350 (2012)


Shu-Hui Lv and Yu-Xian Li
Effects of the edge states on conductance and thermopower for the bilayer graphene nanoribbons.
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 053701 (2012)


Shu-Hui Lv, Shu-Bo Feng,and Yu-Xian Li
Thermopower and conductance for a graphene p–n junction,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 145801.


Xing-Tao An, Hui-Ying Mu, Yu-Xian Li, Jian-Jun Liu,
Generation and detection of spin polarization in parallel coupled double quantum dots connected to four terminals,Physical Letters A 375, 4078 (2011).


Xiao-Xiao Guo, De Liu, and Yu-Xian Li,
Conductance and shot noise in graphene superlattice,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 242101 (2011).


Qing-Feng Sun, Yu-Xian Li, Wen Long, and Jian Wang,
Quantum Andreev effect in two-dimensional HgTe/CdTe quantum well/superconductor systems,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 115315 (2011).


YuXian Li and Leng-Fei Xu,
Shot noise suppression in a series graphene tunnel barrier structure,
Solid Stat. Communication, 151, 219 (2011).


Jin-Liang Li and Yu-Xian Li,
Spin Current Through Triple Quantum Dot in the Presence of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction,
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27,No. 5 (2010) 057202.


Yu-Xian Li,
Transport in a magnetic modulated graphene superlattice,
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 22, 015302 (2010).


Yu-Xian Li,
Spin-polarization and magnetoresistance in graphene-based resonant-tunnelling structures,
Eur. Phys. J. B 68, 119 (2009).


Peng Zhang and Yu-Xian Li,
Andreev reflection and shot nosie in a quantum dot with phonon modes,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 095602 (2009).


Jin-Liang Li and Yu-Xian Li,
Andreev reflection and Aharonov–Bohm oscillations through a parallel-coupled double quantum dot with spin-flip scattering,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 465202.


Yu-Xian Li,
Spin Polarization and Andreev Conductance through a Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Wire with Spin{Orbit Interaction,
Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 3739 (2008)


Yu-Xian Li, Hyun-Woo Lee, and Han-Yong Choi,
Nonequilibrium Kondo effect and Andreev reflection through double quantum dots with spin-flip scattering, Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 6424–6428.


Yu-Xian Li,
Spin-dependent quantum transport through an Aharonov-Bohm structure spin splitter, Chinese Physics B 17, 3508 (2008).


Yan-Kun Dong and Yu-Xian Li,
Rashba spin-orbit effect on the zero conductance and the magnetoresistance of a
quantum ring, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 113716 (2008).


Yu-Xian Li , Han-Yong Choi, and Hyun-Woo Lee,
Flux-dependent transport through an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer with embedded multiple coupled quantum dots,
Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 2073–2078.


Yu-Xian Li,
Fano reonance and flux-dependent transport through a triple-arm A-B interferometer under an applied electric field,
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 19, 496219 (2007).


Xing-Tao An, Yu-Xian Li, and Jian-Jun Liu,
Noise in mesoscopic physics,
Acta Physica Sinica 56, 4105 (2007) (in Chinese).


Yu-Xian Li , Han-Yong Choi , Hyun-Woo Lee , and Jian-Jun Liu,
Andreev reflection with spin-flip scattering through a T-shaped double quantum dot, J. Appl. Phys. 101 , 103918 (2007).


Yu-Xian Li and Bing Di,
Effect of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction on transport in a multichannel ferromagnet/semiconductor nanowire,
J. Appl. Phys. 100 , 083708 (2006).


Yu-Xian Li,
Thermopower in quasi-one-dimensional nano-constrictions with spin–orbit interaction, Phys. Lett. A 358, 70 (2006).


Yu-Xian Li,
Break cohesion of metal contacts due to voltage bias,
Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 2560 (2006).


Yong Guo, Xiao-Wei Yu, and Yu-Xian Li,
Spin filtering and spin polarization reversal in multilayered ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor heterostructures,
J. Appl. Phys. 98 , 053902(2005).


Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect on noise in quasi-1D nanowires,
Physical Review B 72 , 075321(2005).


Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li,
Effects of spin-orbit interaction and magnetic field on the electron transport in quasi-1D ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic system,
Chinese Physics 14, 1021(2005).


Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
Quantum magnetocapacitance in ferromagnetic nanocontacts,
Physics Letters A 342 , 478(2005).


Yu-Xian Li , Ke Xia, and Xiangrong Wang,
Magnetocohesive force of a ferromagnetic quantum point contact.
Europhysics letters 70 , 244(2005).


Yu-Xian Li , Jian-jun Liu, and Bo-Zang, Li,
量子点接触中的电导与热功率 : 磁场与温度的影响
物理学报 , 54, 166(2005).


Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
Effect of Rashba spin-orbit interaction on transport in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ ferromagnetic system under an electric field.
Phys. Rev. B 71 , 012406(2005).


Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li,
Spin-dependent transport and thermopower in ferromagnetic quantum point contacts, Physics Letters A 330 , 274-279(2004).


Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li.
Spin polarization and quantized conductance of ferromagnetic quantum point contacts, Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), Vol 13 , (2004)3009.


Zheng-Wei Xie, Bo-Zang Li, and Yu-Xian Li,
The effect of a nonmagnetic cap layer on the spin-polarized tunneling and magnetoresistance in double-barrier planar junctions,
Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), Vol 239 , 463-469(2003).


Zheng-Wei Xie, Bo-Zang Li, and Yu-Xian Li,
The e_ect of the ferromagnetic metal layer on tunnelling conductance and magnetoresistance in double magnetic planar junctions,
Chinese Physics 11, 1060(2002).


Lu-Xia Wang, Xiao-Jun Kong, and Yu-Xian Li ,
The effect of magnetic field on ground and excited state od the two-demensional D centre, J. Phys. : Cond. Matt. Vo l13 , 8765(2001).


Jian-Jun Liu, Shu-Fang Zhang, Yu-Xian Li , Xiao-Jun Kong,
Variational calculation of ionized-donor bound excitons in GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells,
Eur. Phys. J. B Vol 19 (17-20), (2001).


Yu-Xian Li , Jian-Jun Liu, and Xiao-Jun Kong,
The effect of a spatially dependent effective mass on hydrogenic impurity binding energy in a finite parabolic quantum well with a magnetic field,
J. Appl. Phys., Vol 88 , 2588(2000).


Jian-Jun Liu, Yu-Xian Li , and Xiao-Jun Kong,
Binding energy of excitons to neutral donors in two-dimensional semiconductors,
Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol 16 , 526 (1999).