基本情况: 姓 名:闫凤利 职 称:教授 E -- mail: flyan@hebtu.edu.cn 研究领域:量子信息与量子计算 联系地址: 伟德betvlctor体育官网 石家庄市南二环东路20号 邮政编码:050024 |
个人简介: |
1963年9月生,男,汉族,河北省丰南人,物理博士,教授,博士生导师,石家庄市九届政协委员,石家庄市第十届、第十一届政协常委, 石家庄市十三届人大代表, 石家庄市十四届人大常委。 2003年获河北省第六届青年科技奖。2005年被遴选为河北省"三三三人才工程"第三层次人选。2006年被评为河北省第六批高校中青年骨干教师。2008年获河北省自然科学一等奖(排名第二)。2002年获河北省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)。 获中国物理学会2012年度"最有影响论文奖"一等奖(第二完成人)。主要从事量子信息与量子计算方面的研究。已在《Physical Review Letters》, 《Physical Review A》, 《Optics Express》, 《Europhysics Letters》, 《Journal of Physics A》, 《Journal of Physics B》, 《Physics Letters A》, 《Scientific Reports》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文80余篇, SCI他引>1400次,单篇被SCI 引用最高220余次,有4篇论文SCI他引≥140次,有10篇论文SCI引用≥47次,H-index为20。有一篇论文被评选为2004年英国物理学会17篇最佳优秀(Top Quality)论文之一(详见http://ej.iop.org/pdf/journal_of_physics.pdf)。 2008年发表在欧洲物理快报上的一篇论文被选为本期下载最多的文章之一。主持或参加国家自然科学基金和河北省自然科学基金多项。 |
教育背景: |
2005年 9月-2008年6月,伟德betvlctor体育官网,博士 |
1983年 9月-1986年7月,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,硕士 |
1979年10月-1983年7月,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,学士 |
工作经历: |
1997年-今,伟德betvlctor体育官网,教授 |
(2013年4月-2014年4月,美国俄勒冈大学,访问学者 |
2009年12月-2011年1月,加拿大多伦多大学,访问学者 |
2007年 2月-2007年10月,德国马克斯普朗克量子光学研究所,访问学者) |
1993年-1997年,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,副教授 |
1988年-1993年,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,讲师 |
1986年-1988年,伟德BETVLCTOR网页版物理系,助教 |
教学情况: |
主讲《热力学统计物理》, 《群论》, 《量子信息与量子计算》 。 |
获奖情况: | |
1. | 中国物理学会2012年度"最有影响论文奖"一等奖(高亭,闫凤利,王志玺)。 |
2. | 量子通信与量子计算中若干问题的研究,2008年度河北省自然科学一等奖(高亭,闫凤利,王美玉,王志玺,李有成)。 |
3. | 量子几何相位和有序介质状态拓扑分类的研究,2002年度河北省自然科学三等奖(闫凤利,李伯臧,杨林广,高亭)。 |
4. | 2003年获第六届河北省青年科技奖。 |
5. | 2006年被评为河北省第六批高校中青年骨干教师。 |
6. | 2005年被遴选为河北省"三三三人才工程"第三层次人选。 |
科研成果: |
给出了量子纠缠度所应满足的新条件。 |
证明如果量子态的置换不变部分是k不可分的,则整体态也是k不可分的。从而使判断多体量子态不可分的问题大大简化。 |
提出了一种具有重要性质(对k-可分态为零,对k-不可分态大于零,具有单调性,凸性,子可加性等)的多体纠缠度, 用此纠缠度可探测k不可分多体量子混合态。给出了该纠缠度的两个下界以及应用这两个下界探测到的新的量子纠缠混合态。 |
得到了真正多体混合量子纠缠态和不可分多体混合量子态的简单且实用的判别准则,应用这些准则能探测到新的真正多体纠缠态。 |
发现仅用两个非对易观测量就可将任意N比特GHZ态及其局域幺正等价态唯一确定,而不是原来人们普遍认为的需要测量N个局域可观测量。 |
证明完成有些量子计算任务使用克隆比任何不用量子克隆的方法具有不可比的优越性,给出了使用概率克隆方法克隆用于贯彻这些量子计算任务的量子态所能达到的最佳系数的解析解。 |
给出了通过任意三体量子态受控的隐形传输未知量子态成功的最大概率的解析表达式和三量子比特局域化纠缠的解析表达式。 |
建立了多个使用极化单光子序列在多方与多方之间实现的量子秘密共享方案和多个量子安全直接通信方案;提出了多种情况下量子隐形传态方案。 |
研究了多种情况的量子几何相位。 |
对有序介质的状态拓扑分类进行了研究。 |
主持的主要科研项目(按时间倒序排列) | |
1. | 主持国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11475054), 2015.01—2018.12 |
2. | 参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11371005), 2014.01—2017.12. |
3. | 参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10971247), 2010.01—2012.12. |
4. | 参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10671054), 2007.01—2009.12. |
5. | 参加教育部科学技术研究重点项目(批准号: 207011),2007.01—2009.12. |
6. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2014205060),2014.01—2016.12. |
7. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2010000344),2010.01—2012.12. |
8. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 07M006),2007.01—2009.12. |
9. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2004000141),2004.01—2006.12. |
10. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 101094),2001.01—2003.12. |
11. | 主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 196164),1996.01—1998.12. |
主要论文 | |
1. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, S. J. van Enk. Permutationally invariant part of a density matrix and nonseparability of N-qubit states. Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112 (18): 180501. |
2. | Hong Yan, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Measure of multipartite entanglement with computable lower bounds. Physical Review A, 2012, 86 (6): 062323. |
3. | Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Chitambar Eric. Two local observables are sufficient to characterize maximally entangled states of N qubits. Physical Review A, 2011, 83 (2): 022319. |
4. | Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Quantum secret sharing between multi-party and multi-party without entanglement. Physical Review A, 2005, 72 (1): 012304. |
5. | He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Exploration of photon-number entangled states using weak nonlinearities. Optics Express, 2015, 23 (17): 21671. |
6. | Gao Ting, Hong Yan, Lu Yao, Yan Fengli. Efficient k-separability criterion for mixed multipartite quantum states. Europhysics Letters, 2013, 104 (2): 20007. |
7. | He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Scalable Bell inequalities for multiqubit systems. Europhysics Letters, 2015, 111 (4): 40001. |
8. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Optimal controlled teleportation. Europhysics Letters, 2008, 84 (5): 50001. Europhysics Letters杂志的执行主编Graeme Watt给作者来信,通知该篇文章为本期杂志下载最多的文章之一。 |
9. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Achievable efficiencies for probabilistically cloning the states. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2004, 37 (9): 3211-3223. 被评选为2004年在IOP出版社发表的所有文章中,17篇最佳优秀(Quality 1)论文之一(The Journal_of_Physics.pdf of Journal of Physics Series 2004 Bulletin with all 17 top quality papers in 2004 is alive online now at http://ej.iop.org/pdf/journal_of_physics.pdf). |
10. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Deterministic secure direct communication using GHZ states and swapping quantum entanglement. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2005, 38 (25): 5761-5770. |
11. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli, Xu Jingzhou. Perfect entanglement concentration of an arbitrary four-photon polarization entangled state via quantum nondemolition detectors. Journal of Physics B, 2016, 49 (15): 155502 . |
12. | He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Preparation and purification of four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. Journal of Physics B, 2015, 48 (5): 055501. |
13. | Yan Fengli, Zhang Xiaoqiang. A scheme for secure direct communication using EPR pairs and teleportation. European Physical Journal B, 2004, 41 (1): 75-78. |
14. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Chain teleportation via partially entangled states. European Physical Journal D, 2009, 54 (1): 111-114. |
15. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Entangler and analyzer for four-photon χ-type entangled states. European Physical Journal D, 2015, 69(12): 272. |
16. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled state based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglers. European Physical Journal D, 2014, 86 (2):29. |
17. | Yan Fengli, Wang Dong. Probabilistic and controlled teleportation of unknown quantum states. Physics Letters A, 2003, 316 (5): 297-303. |
18. | Ding Dong, Yan Fengli. Efficient scheme for three photon Greenberger- Horne-Zeilinger state generation. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377 (15): 1088-1094. |
19. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Teleporting a quantum state from a subset of the whole Hilbert space. Physics Letters A, 2006, 355 (2): 94-97. |
20. | Liu Lu, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Separability criteria via sets of mutually unbiased measurements. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 13138. |
21. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled decoherence-free states with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 38233. |
22. | Wang Meiyu,Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Deterministic distribution of four- photon Dicke state over an arbitrary collective-noise channel with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 29853. |
23. | He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Exploration of multiphoton entangled states by using weak nonlinearities. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19116. |
24. | Ding Dong, Yan Fengli,Gao Ting. Preparation of km-photon concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states for observing distinctive quantum effects at macroscopic scales. Journal of the Optical Soceity of America B, 2013, 30 (11): 3075-3078. |
25. | Wang Meiyu,Yan Fengli. Quantum teleportation of a generic two-photon state with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities. Quantum Information Processing,2016, 15 (8): 3383-3392. |
26. | Qi Xianfei, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Lower bounds of concurrence for N-qubit systems and the detection of k-nonseparability of multipartite quantum systems. Quantum Information Processing, 2017, 16 (1):23. |
27. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. General probabilistic chain teleportation. Optics Communications, 2011, 284 (9): 2408-2411. |
28. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum networks for probabilistic teleportation of many particle state of general form. Quantum Information and Computation, 2004, 4 (3): 186-195. |
29. | Ding Dong, He Yingqiu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Entanglement measure and quantum violation of Bell-type inequality. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(10) : 4231-4237. |
30. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum secure conditional direct communication via EPR pairs. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2005, 16 (8): 1293-1301. |
31. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum secure direct communication by EPR pairs and entanglement swapping. IL Nuovo Cimento B, 2004, 119 (3): 313-318. |
32. | Yan Fengli, Yang Linguang. Economical teleportation of multiparticle quantum state. IL Nuovo Cimento B, 2003, 118 (1): 79-82. |
33. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli,Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Simultaneous quantum state teleportation via the locked entanglement channel. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008, 6 (1): 201-207. |
34. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled states with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2015, 13 (2): 1550024. |
35. | Yan Fengli, Zhang Guohua. Remote preparation of the two-particle state. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008, 6 (3): 485-491. |
36. | Ding Dong,Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Entangler and analyzer for multiphoton maximally entangled states using weak nonlinearities. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57 (10) : 2098-2103. |
37. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Optimal controlled teleportation via several kinds of three-qubit states. Science in China Series G, 2008, 51 (10): 1529-1556. |
38. | Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with four states. Science in China Series G, 2007, 50 (5): 572-580. |
39. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing between -party and -party with six states. Science in China Series G, 2009, 52 (8): 1191-1202. |
40. | Yan Fengli, Yan Tao. Probabilistic teleportation via a non-maximally entangled GHZ state. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55 (10) : 902-906. |
41. | Yan Tao, Yan Fengli. Quantum key distribution using four-level particles. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56 (1) : 24-28. |
42. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Controlled quantum teleportation and secure direct communication. Chinese Physics, 2005, 14 (5): 893-897. |
43. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Perfect quantum teleportation and dense coding protocols via the 2N-qubit W state. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (12): 120309. |
44. | Ding Dong, He Yingqiu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Quantum nonlocality of generic family of four-qubit entangled pure states. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24 (7): 070301. |
45. | Gao Ting, Wang Zhixi, Yan Fengli. Quantum logic network for probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state in a general form. Chinese Physics Letters, 2003, 20 (12): 2094-2097. |
46. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Probabilistically cloning and quantum computation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21 (6): 995-998. |
47. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. A simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme between the central party and other M parties. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (10): 2473-2476. |
48. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi, Li Youcheng. Capacity of a simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme between the central party and other M parties. Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23 (10): 2656-2657. |
49. | Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. An implementation of a positive operator valued measure. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24 (2): 322-325. |
50. | Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing protocol between multiparty and multiparty with single photons and unitary transformation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25 (4): 1187-1190. |
51. | Yan Fengli, Wang Meiyu. A scheme for dense coding in the non-symmetric quantum channel. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21 (7): 1195-1197. |
52. | Wang Meiyu, Yang Linguang, Yan Fengli. General probabilistic dense coding scheme. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (5): 1053-1056. |
53. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Three-party simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme with EPR pairs. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24 (9): 2486-2488. |
54. | Yan Fengli, Ding Hewei. Probabilistic teleportation of an unknown two-particle state with a four-particle pure entangled state and positive operator valued measure. Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23 (1): 17-20. |
55. | Zhang Guohua, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic dense coding using non-maximally entangled three-particle state. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26 (9): 090302. |
56. | Lian Shiman, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state of general formation in ion trap. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27 (4): 040308. |
57. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Perfect entanglement teleportation via two parallel W state channel. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28 (6): 060301. |
58. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum logic network for probabilistic cloning the quantum states. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2005, 43 (1): 73-78. |
59. | Yan Fengli, Tan Hongge, Yang Linguang. Probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state of general formation. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2002, 37 (6): 649-654. |
60. | Yan Fengli, Bai Yankui. Probabilistic teleportation of one-particle state of S-level. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2003, 40 (3): 273-278. |
61. | Yan Fengli, Huo Hairui. A method for transferring an unknown quantum state and its application. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007, 47 (4): 629-632. |
62. | Yan Fengli, Ding Dong. Two avowable quantum communication schemes. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2008, 50 (5): 1109-1112. |
63. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic chain teleportation of a qutrit-state. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2010, 54 (2): 263-268. |
64. | Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Two-step deterministic remote preparation of an arbitrary quantum state. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2010, 54 (5): 792-796. |
65. | Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi, Li Youcheng. Quantum probabilistically cloning and computation. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2008, 2 (2): 179-189. |
出版专著情况: |
参与编写《量子力学新进展》第四辑(龙桂鲁、邓富国、曾谨言 主编, 清华大学出版社出版, 2011年), 第9章"量子克隆" (P. 328 - 345). |
《 理论力学基础》 (冯麟保、 闫凤利、 张波, 河北大学出版社出版, 1996年). |